基米(4195)2024三策略助攻 基米今年營運勝去年
根據意向書,雙方選定亞太雅得方斯Nonacus系列的「GALEAS™ Tumor」、「GALEAS™ Hereditary Plus」、「GALEAS™ Bladder」三大檢測產品做為第一階段優先合作項目,由基米提供先進實驗室做為亞太雅得方斯在亞太地區的檢測收案中心,協助包括檢體收集、定序、相關檢測服務及分析報告等,瞄準龐大的癌症與遺傳基因檢測市場。
基米總經理江俊奇表示,亞太雅得方斯是英國知名液態活檢Nonacus公司在台灣成立的亞太區域總部,很高興成為其戰略合作夥伴。該公司推出最新一代的膀胱癌檢測產品GALEAS™ Bladder,採用次世代基因定序(NGS)透過少許尿液樣本即能精準診斷,可望取代現行侵入式且昂貴的膀胱鏡檢查,並大幅降低檢測風險,目前已率先在日本市場展開相關服務,未來將由基米的台灣實驗室負責統籌各地區的定序服務,同時也會協助此類創新檢測產品的推廣,藉由雙方合作帶來的檢測能量,對基米的整體營運將有正向貢獻。
Nonacus成立於2015年,總部位於英國伯明翰生物中心,是間擁有高度研發能量的生技公司,挾自主創新的GALEAS™ 液態活檢平台快速滲透全球市場,提供具成本效益的全方位癌症早期篩檢方案,包括遺傳性癌症、早期癌症檢測和監測與全癌基因檢測等。去年Nonacus來台成立亞太地區營運總部,期望引進創新液體活檢測試平台與先進的癌症基因學檢測,幫助醫師與患者及早發現、及早治療,造福廣大病友。
Advanced Genomics APAC Co., Ltd. Collaborates with Genomics to Expand Asia-Pacific Cancer Early Screening Market
Taipei, Taiwan – May 17, 2024 – Advanced Genomics APAC Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Advanced Genomics APAC") has forged a strategic partnership with Genomics BioSci & Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Genomics") to drive cancer early screening initiatives across the Asia-Pacific region, including Japan. This collaboration, announced upon the signing of the memorandum of understanding, represents a significant milestone in Advanced Genomics APAC's mission to meet the escalating demand for genetic testing services in the region with its innovative testing solutions.
Genomics, a renowned leader in genetic sequencing, is dedicated to delivering top-tier genetic testing and diagnostic services. The company is distinguished for its state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and a globally acclaimed research and development team, continuously pioneering advancements in genomics and biotechnology. Genomics's exceptional expertise in sequencing significantly enhances the collaboration between Advanced Genomics APAC and Genomics, thereby amplifying the partnership's capabilities.
As per the memorandum of understanding, the two entities have identified Advanced Genomics APAC's Nonacus series of three major testing products, namely "GALEAS Tumor," "GALEAS HereditaryPlus," and "GALEAS Bladder," as the first-phase priority cooperation projects. Genomics will furnish advanced laboratories as the testing reception center for Advanced Genomics APAC in the Asia-Pacific region, providing support in sample collection, sequencing, related testing services, and analysis reports, with a focus on the expansive market of cancer and genetic testing.
Kevin Chiang, General Manager of Genomics, underscored the importance of the GALEAS Bladder product launched by Advanced Genomics APAC. He highlighted its pioneering use of next-generation gene sequencing (NGS) for precise bladder cancer diagnosis from a small urine sample, aiming to supplant the costly and invasive flexible cystoscopy, thereby mitigating testing risks. Chiang expressed Genomics' enthusiasm in partnering with Advanced Genomics APAC as its strategic ally to introduce this innovative solution to the market.
Andy Chang, Chairman of Advanced Genomics APAC, emphasized the company's successful market expansion in Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, and other regions, with Taiwan as its hub. Chang expressed satisfaction in securing a collaboration with Genomics, leveraging its Taiwan laboratory and existing channel resources. This collaboration aims to streamline costs such as specimen transportation, sequencing, and testing analysis while accelerating business growth in the region. It also aims to significantly elevate Nonacus' brand awareness and market presence.
According to a report by the Japanese market research firm Global Information, Inc. (GII), the global liquid biopsy market is expected to grow from $4.1 billion in 2022 to $12.3 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 15.4% during the period, driven by increasing cancer incidence, advances in genomic research technology, and the rise of trends in early screening and non-invasive testing and treatment.